My Journey (June 2021)

June 2021-

I’ve always struggled with uncertainty but especially a year into the pandemic, I definitely do not know what’s going to happen next. What I do know is that I feel a lot better when I actually feel supported by my environment, empowered to change the things I need to, and like I’m not starting from scratch every day.

The past year has been hard. The more time I spend at home, the more I recognize how much the literal things around me affect my mood and what I’m capable of, and that I deserve to have a say in how my space looks and feels.

Born from my lifelong-struggles to feel organized, I bring you Organizing with empathy, a personal organizing service that is trauma-informed. From my e-mail inbox to my bedroom and everything in between, I am learning to deal with the overwhelm of everyday life and I’d love to help you do that too.

As a Neurodivergent person and trauma survivor, I know how scary it can be to work through these things. Organizing often means trying to do something you’ve failed at time and time again, and hoping it will go differently. That’s why I am intentional about respecting clients’ boundaries, never judge or assume how things came to be, and value working at the pace that’s right for you. Because we want it to go differently this time.

I primarily work with clients one-on-one in-person in the Boston area, or virtually anywhere in the U.S., and am slowly developing group workshops and events to help people practice their organizing skills in community. I’m also interested in helping community groups explore accountability and how to apply social justice principles in their everyday lives.

I have big ambitions, and I would love to learn from and work with you. If you are interested in collaborating with me on an event, working with me 1-on-1, or anything in between, please reach out on my Contact page.

-elly k.


my new years 2021 intentions process